Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back to it!

Well, I have been slacking in posting entries to this blog and, believe it or not, I am getting flack for it! Sorry guys! I have been training, albeit not at the level that I wanted or expected. Probably averaging 2 days/week through the holidays due to business travel, holidays, etc.

Anyway, I have been mostly on treadmills and stationary bikes for the past 2 months or so. Not ideal, but I am getting something! Today was the first day in a while that I went outdoors...couldn't resist with the temp at 47+ degrees. The plan has been to stick with the 2.6 mile loop that I have setup until I feel good enough to get through it at an 8 min mile clip. At least through winter, that keeps me out of the frigid weather, and allows me to walk the day after I do the run, not like my first outing at 6.2 miles...

So, I went out on a run to and back from the school. Here are the times:
To Development Entrance: 4:10 (.5 mile)
To School: 10:50 (1.3 total miles, .8 split)
School to Development Ent: 6:28 (.8 miles)

I used the last leg to home as a warm-down...those hills kill me! I am actually shocked that I was on an 8:20 pace on the way out! Really have to find a long, flat loop so that I can better gauge my ability/pace at this point...

It is interesting to see how much longer it is taking me to get in shape at age 35 than it was in my teens and twenties. I would be killing it by now. I don't think of myself as old, but maybe I am just kiddin myself! It is something to re-think! Although, hopefully it will motivate me to stay in shape once I get there...

If the weather holds, I will do it again tomorrow...same route.