Sunday, May 23, 2010

Training Continues...

Absent in posting, again, but I HAVE been training. The past month has seen me in the pool several times while out of town and running both on treadmill and in West Amwell. Yesterday, I ran 3.2 miles at an averae pace of about 8:30/mile. Today, I ran 3.5 miles at did it in 28:50, which is about an 8:15 minute/mile pace. Decent, I suppose, but not quite where I want to be. Lung and heart feel great, but I keep battling my knees and my hip flexor. If I can get past those pains and/or figure out how to stop it from happening, I should be great to go.

Research on the hips and knees suggests that I need to strengthen them, so I plan to getting some weight training in, in addition to leg lifts, squats, and the like.