Friday, February 5, 2010

Pre-Snowstorm Run

Well, weather calls for it to start snowing today and not stopping until probably Sunday. That would dump about 2 feet of snow, if they speak the truth about what is coming. I missed running this loop last weekend because of other things going on and the occassional excuse to not go out in the cold. Today it was 36 degrees and I have a pending half marathon on April 17th, so I had to get out today, especially if the snow will keep me from it tomorrow and maybe Sunday.

This week, I did get a couple of days in on the treadmill at the hotel. 35-45 minutes each day, getting my heart rate into the 145 range and burning 300+ calories, if the readout on the treadmill is accurate. It looks like I am starting to see the results, as it looks like I have dropped 3 pounds in the past 2 weeks or so and my legs are noticeably stronger. Legs still aren't close to what I need them to be, but I can tell the difference at different points in my run. Lungs and heart have no problem on any of the runs that I have been taking, even my thighs appear is my calves that are either cramping or just fatiguing very quickly. I will have to do some research around how to prevent that or make them stronger, faster.

I am not sure if my original GPS readings were off or the ones today were, but today GPS said the route I run is 2.76 miles, which makes my average times slightly better. Anyway, my times were as follows on this run:
House to Development Entrance: 4:20
Development to School: 10:59 (GPS says this was a 7:56 pace)
School to Development: 6:36 (GPS had this at just over an 8:00 pace)
Partial rest/walk at development entrance, but did the remaining .4 miles in 3:13.

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