Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pascack Valley Triathlon

Another Tri and another PR! Glad to see that my fitness levels are actually increasing and it is showing in races. The tri that I ran yesterday went very well and I placed 31st overall (out of 248). Time was a new PR for me for similar distances (300m swim, 10 mi bike, 5K run) at 1:06:15. Splits were right on what I thought I would do, although my stretch goal of under 1 hour was missed. 6:02 on the swim, 33:41 on the bike, 22:55 on the run. Remaining time was in the transitions.

The main thing that got me for this tri was the transition areas. They were WAY far away from the finish/start of the swim/bike. At first guess, I would say that it probably added up to 2 minutes to my times, while I had to cross a street and go into a parking lot to get to the bike mount, and the reverse to get back.

Overall, really happy with the race. Looking forward to the next one in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, interval/speed training picks up this week. 2 weeks from now, I will do a 63 mile bike race on Saturday, followed by a Sprint Tri on Sunday. 2 weeks from then, I will run the Jersey City Half Marathon before going into my 3 week taper for the Longhorn Half Ironman!!! 49 DAYS UNTIL RACE DAY!

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