Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Many Updates!

Wow, I hadn't realized that it had been so long since I updated this blog. Sorry for the lack of updates! There are many to report! We will start with the big ones and then get into the training updates. Here you go:
- I have been guaranteed a spot in the NYC Marathon on November 7th! This will be 3 weeks after my Half Ironman race, but I should be fresh and ready by then!
- I signed up last week to race in my first FULL Ironman next year. It is early in the season, so there won't be so much waiting time through the summer.
- I am considering doing another two 70.3 races next year, one before and one after the full Ironman that I am signed up for. I will decide for certain after my first 70.3 in Austin. I may also consider doing a second full Ironman late in the season, but that is up in the air.

Now, on to training updates! A few weeks back, I started developing inner, high ankle pain in my right ankle. It was so bad that I couldn't walk after running 4-5 miles and it was hurting for days after. After doing some research online and trying to self-diagnose, I got concerned when I saw that if it was a stress fracture, I would have to stop running and it could take 5 months to heal. That would have ended the season for me, including my 70.3 and the NYC Marathon! Went to the orthopedic this past Monday and he is pretty convinced that it is tendonitis, after looking at my x-rays and evaluating me. MRI today just to be sure and safe, but he expects it to come back negative. If it does, I will just have to work through it and consider getting orthodics. I already bought a cheap pair.

In the past 2 weeks, I have competed in two races: a sprint tri and a 5 mile run. Both of them were PR's for me. The tri I finished in 1:06:43 (.25 swim, 10 mi bike, 5K), each step of the way beating my PR's for each. That was a great feeling, although it is clear that my swim still needs a lot of work. The 5 mi race was also a PR, which I finished in 37:33 (7:30 min/mile avg pace). I was very happy with that outcome, particularly with the tendonitis that it appears that I have.

Cross training has continued, as has the modified diet. Starting this week, I have upped my carb intake in line with the diet/program. So far, I have dropped 5 pounds in the past 35+ days, which isn't bad considering I probably didn't have a ton to lose to begin with, I have been lifting weights and eating tons of protein, and my target is about 10-12 pounds of fat.

Today I ran again for the first time since the race on Sunday and I felt REALLY good as I was heading out. The last mile or two starting hurting a bit, but not as much as in the past. The result was ANOTHER PR for 5 miles - 37:13, which is 20 seconds faster than the PR I set in the race this past Saturday. VERY happy about that. I would really like to get back on the bike, since I haven't ridden in almost 2 weeks due to rain, injury, etc.

Coming up, I have a sprint tri this Saturday which I am excited about. Coming off of so much rest and new PR's on the runs, I hope to have some really good times. Next week, I end my base building phase and enter into interval/speed training for the next four weeks. This should lend itself to me getting even faster on both bike and run. I also have a 63 mile ride planned, along with another sprint tri and a half marathon over the four week speed training. After the next four weeks, my 3 week taper will begin and then it is race day! 52 days and counting...

Check back for more posts!

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